It’s the last nudge of Season 8. The 1st of June is the date; it’s wrapping up with a grand finale line-up of DJ’s and performance talent, and we can’t wait!

Get yourself ready for the party of the year as it lights up one last time before Season 8 wraps up on June 1st! They’ll be back in the Nudge shed on September 7th.

Be ready to ignite the senses, as two fantastic guest DJs Rob Sydney and Whitti, join the Cunning Stunts resident DJs Lord Sut & Dale Stephen, with live performances by The Hoodlum Ballet, all set to scintillate in the Shed at this June’s Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!

Saturday 1st June 2024 4:00pm – 11:00pm -TICKETED 18+ event at The Billinudgel Hotel.

For the May and June 2024 events, they are donating to the Winter Warmer homelessness relief campaign, which aims to raise $75k for four amazing local community groups and drop-in centres: Fletcher Street Cottage in Byron, Fred’s Place in Tweed Heads, Murwillumbah Community Centre, and the Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre, all of which are helping people experiencing or at risk of homelessness across Tweed and Byron Shires.

You have helped us raise $407,603 so far to date, helping 39 local charities since December 2015. Community supporting its own!

Final tickets may still be available If the event is Sold Out – remember, the only legitimate site for purchasing any tickets available for resale is via